How about a cup of for you’ll never meet? It may sound like the trend in showy , but a " " is much more than a .
Born in the cafes of Italy’s city of , the "caffe " (which means “ ”) is a in which pays in for an extra cup or two, which can then be by a --in-need later in the day.
A -in-need can then later ask if there is a “ ” and have a hot drink to pay for it.
At cafes that in the , can ask if there are any “ ” , and if so, they are with a , to the of a .
给你可能从未见过的人买杯咖啡,这个想法你觉得怎么样?“待用咖啡” 光听名字,像是时下最流行的花哨咖啡技艺,但其实一杯“待用咖啡” 比一杯拉花漂亮的拿铁要温暖得多。
“待用咖啡” 的意大利语是caffe ,这个传统起源于意大利南部城市那不勒斯的咖啡馆,在那里人们可以提前多买一两杯咖啡,给其他可能比较贫困的咖啡爱好者享用。
- - 保加利亚超过150家咖啡馆加入进来。